It is another beautiful sunny day with a brisk, refreshing chill and yes, some very strong winds as well here. This house is on the very edge where the foothills meet the sprawling Sunshine Valley on the final stretch into Colorado on the 522. Right about now the path of the rising sun over those same Sangre de Cristos is literally drawing a line I can watch from the upstairs window. But even here, from the kitchen table I know it is happening. The line of light is moving across the valley of the shadow of darkness as the morning sun BURNS away the night and brings in a brand new day! It’s breath-taking to behold and experience = full body goosebumps for sure.
Now the sun is in my eyes as I write and I am reminded of the first time I realized it would “happen” to me. And the anticipation was Thrilling I tell you! I was out driving one early morning looking for the Meditation Temple in the neighborhood and from a high place, I saw the vast expanse of the valley being overcome with moving light. It was only a few minutes to 8 and I did not have time to wait if I wanted to make the meditation on time. The “need” to be on time almost over-shadowed the moment when I realized it may never happen this way again. That this moment was to be seized! I imagined how it would play out over the road in front of me. There would be a literal line half in darkness, half in light if only for a moment before all was light.
It was GLORIOUS I tell you! You know those moments when the sun touches your skin and it’s a warmth beyond description and without compare? You must!
If the breeze is a kiss on the cheek or a tousling of hair, then sunlight is the full embrace of God.
At the very least, it is life energy that we can see and feel. And it is very real. Well, I guess you can tell I’m in love again. LOL. It happens.
I hope this little story finds you all warm and cozy together enjoying life. That the wood stays dry. And your load is always light and easy to carry.
May your love always flow to and through you and may you rest deeply, soundly in the comfort of the night. But don’t get me started on the moon and the stars or we’ll be here all day!
Thank you for being you,