Poem for Bacon

I unwrapped you

From your vacuum


Across your firm chest

Down the happy trail

Of grease you left

To make a ripple

Across the sheet

Skill(et) set match

Game point

My tongue desirous

Of your hot flesh

We split our sides

Trying to make use

of the two


over medium

You waited for

Me to cool before

The salty tease

Like neck kisses

And after

The slippery fingers

The smell that lingers

Reminding us

Of the goodness

In our home

And why we want to

Know this, see this,

Leave this

So we can return

To it

That it is home

Because we made it

3 comments to “Poem for Bacon”
3 comments to “Poem for Bacon”
  1. Don’t try to analyze this one, just let the smell of bacon wash over you like the first time you walked into your own place and your honey had been cooking bacon, or you cooked some up together before you had to run out the door to the game and when you returned, how you remembered those salty, sweet moments of bliss. That pure bacon happiness…

  2. Ahhh yes!! Bacon! Where would we be without it!? Thanks for the tribute to a mighty breakfast food which is destined to go unappreciated by Muslims and many Jews.

    Hey Jesster: Many thanks to you for the calendar we just received. It will remind us of you all year long. I assume you took all the pictures, but did you also write all the copy? You’ve been busy at your computer, young lady.

    Look out for a Christmas letter and family photo coming your way soon. And if you ever make your way back to the desert, I will be crestfallen if you don’t let me know. All the best to you now and in 2014!

  3. Ha, ha! You are so welcome, Joe. The calendar was indeed an independent effort with so many photos and words to share from a vault overflowing with inspirational beauty and life lessons this last year in Costa Rica. Your family letter and photo are always appreciated but this year, you all look especially accomplished! Take care Clements Clan! OX, Jess

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