NYT Best Seller
You read me Cover to cover One rainy afternoon In February...
Yesterday’s secrets are today’s virtues.
Returned my uniform yesterday
R. says as long as he likes me, and he does—I...
SDH Pt. 10 – Where it turns into to something else all together
I’m not paranoid. I’m OBSERVANT! I shout silently—impudently and hop in...
Obstacles are the whetstones upon which creativity and resolve are sharpened.
SDH Pt. 9 – Where I ask myself, “How many parts are there going to be?”
I dumped my water out while I was using the restroom...
SDH Pt. 8 – Another day, another $32 after taxes
Here, I bought you some water. Drink up, R. says. What...
SDH Pt. 7
I have the weekend off to nurse the whiplash inevitably caused...
SDH Pt. 6
Day 9 – I think O. may have called in sick...