Being 40 is like being in love with your best friend.
She’s known you your whole life.
She knows just what to say, what to do and when not to.
She’s the best cook. All your favorite dishes are her favorite dishes and she always washes them after.
She can giggle like a school girl with you one minute and the next, you’re up a 20-foot tree harvesting whatever needs to be harvested. Including grief, pain, jealousy, insecurity. All the fruits of ours were once hers. Or his.
And by the way he doesn’t scoff
When I use some over the top hyperbole
Because he knows I’m a poet
And prone to dramatic overtones
I can tell this love is forever
Like when she doesn’t mind
If I bring up that touchy subject
We thought we were done with
Or rolls her eyes at my forgetfulness
My structure, my form, my body
She finds perfect in the mirror
Next to him
And how she’s perfectly gentle and kind and determined and infinitely patient
With me
He never loses his temper
But you’ll always know exactly how he feels
Because he lets you in on the fact that all your secrets are his secrets too
And he lets you be
When you need some space
And she lets you be your goofiest self
Your teenage angst ridden super geekiest self
Revealing all your best deal breakers
To the point where it makes you wonder
About each other
And he lets you
He lets you ask questions
He lets you be wrong
And never makes you blush
Except when he wants to
When you are in love
With your best friend
You can’t hide anymore
Because I see you
I know that you are real
That you exist and that you are
The most important thing in my
Life not because I love you
But because you are love
Nice pic ๐
Wink, wink.
Happy B-Day baby.
Thanks, Crazy Dutchman! xo