Obeying the Child

For Dines & Joan

Once you felt

What it was like

To be a child

Once you felt

What it was like

To be a child


You rose from

A crouch

Poised to protect

Or flee

To your feet

Where your toes

Were the first ones

To know it

And spread the joyous

Occasion upward

To your mind

Where it should have resided

In safety and comfort

But for the wolves

In western wear

Curious now how long

Before the next war

This peace

You’ve found

Protected, nurtured

Loved and fed

Groomed to lead

By example

Has grown

Quietly self-assured

In truth

Tired of talk

Confident that good night

Awaits the mo(u)rn

In silent

Search of nothing

Save the next puddle

To jump

To jump in

Jump in!

Withdraw your might

The absence of day

Only proves

Water and naked toes

Is an equation fo(r) evolution

Make my day