I still remember
The way you worshipped my neck
With one ardent index finger
You waged world peace
Against conventional wisdom
You traced a timeline
Of an existence so exquisite
The transmission of sound
Fit the tip of it
In that void behind my earlobe
Where hot blood powers the Auricle
That tragic Greek Priestess
Held on the floor below the Helix
She opens herself to questioning
An utterance, and the inspiration begins
In that space
Unlocking a door is easy
But the hinge is key
To opening it
The original vibration
Funnels in through Durga’s Conch
The wave that rode in on the shell
Channels and transmutes
Energy spiraled through
A micro-masterpiece where
At the altar of sound we worship nature
Measured in electro-chemical impulses
Making miracles out of air conduction
If the eyes are the windows to the soul
The ears are the seat of intelligence
I still remember how you dragged
That straight little soldier of a finger down
The vertical length of my neck
The SChisM leading to the
Tuning knobs of the clavicle
How you could tell the tone of me
With your sweet mouth
So full of words and kisses
A transparency so colorless
You broke the Cannonball Jellyfish mold
Before anyone could fill it
With chem-trail conspiracies
I still remember how you used
To tuck your pillow into my spine
And uncurl my tiny fists
When you rose before me
How you stroked the crease of my brow
From a permanent scar of wounded worry
To open-eyed bliss
How you fit my fingers into yours
The last time we held hands
How you threw me on the bed
And tickled the giggles out of me
The look of unbearable suffering you wore
When I cried
How you said my name
In more ways
Than melodies have options
Until finally I heard
What you were trying to tell me at 3:2
Or very nearly so
I still remember how you would
Bring me presents
When you returned home
From the daily battle
Just to prove it was love
That got you through
And finding my smile
In something new every day
Even when you were broken
I still remember you.
You the kindler and the kindled
You the sparks and the smoke
You the flames, the bonfires
The water and the earth
You my fathers, uncles, brothers, lovers, mothers, aunts, sisters, friends
You my children
I still remember the way you
Reached out to me
In the womb
Before we ever
Even met face to face
You belonged to me
I was born to remember you
In the fourth month
You were already
My perfect fifth
Love Love Love this Jess……