In fact, what often happens after a hot, sultry afternoon that makes you sleepy and maybe even a bit weary is the sky parts itself to reveal it is actually made of water.
Just when you think you can’t go on, it rolls in on a pocket of air so dense they call it thunder. Between the beams of sunlight and cool droplets on your skin, it mixes with the slightest breeze. So light you didn’t even notice it before. But it’s been there all this time just waiting for you like an unseen voicemail from a faraway lover or your best friend or your kids. And then it settles in and sets up the tempo for the remainder of the day.
It opens you up too and reminds you that this too will pass. But first, it forces you to sit down with a cup of coffee or a good book and just listen to the rise of storm’s crescendo.
Can you feel it?