Life is suffering
Feeling particularly
Buddhist on this day
Wind patiently waits
For you to pass through tunnels
Just don’t expect it
Bugs, heat, sweat, fatigue
Overcast, faint breeze, friends
I can’t complain
Tip the wide, green brim
Expose ancient mysteries
Under canopy
I never want to
Be exactly where I am
Until I get there
I never question
Why I come to see you/change
My mind, awake now
Agarita bloom
First sign of a new passion
Winter is over
But you I know not
Our first season together
Whisper me your name
Yellow and purple
Bring a rose to cheek once more
High chance of showers
Forgotten lover
From forlorn grasses you spring
Rekindling romance
Recess in birdland
Everyone’s favorite subject
Bio 101