03/22/23 – Tallahassee, FL
It all started way back before the beginning
Time was early then
It was not yet
The time for things to come
And love was still the only motivator strong enough
For us to commit to each other
The First One ran—open-armed down the recovery room hall and into my heart smile-laughing
I remember you!
The Second in Command led their battalion in a prayer to God the Father
For forgiveness because—“You know the things we have done in the name of love.”
Sometime during the pre-dawn hours
Not the Barred Owl, but the Great Horned
Asked, “Who cooks for you?”
And I reply
Hoo, hoo. Who are you?
The question of the day—and furthermore
It sure is nice we keep meeting here again like this
Allways something new, some way new
And yet again familiar like I already know The Way you’re leading
Like, the way her hand and mine found each other
In mid-swing without even trying
Like the way he looked right into my one left eye
And had it made into a moon
Over a mountain recently moved
By forces unseen and a fortitude
Nay a valor acquired by faith alone
That required the loss of something
For the gain of righteous victory
In the name of mercy
For the love of G-d
Go outside and play darling.