Chapter 1 – As loud as silver

I’m in the mood

For music!

Left behind

Offending instruments

My pleasure pipe

Stolen away!

There is hope in

The blues.

That young lady right there –

She knows about blues!

Yes, she does

Man, you don’t lie

And you play a mighty horn

Mister – sing me a song

Rock me side to side

Until I’m satisfied

I get so excited!

I’ll play along

If I’m not too busy dancing

Feet got the beat

Fingers pound a rhythm

My heart attacks my chest

Begging me to blow

Man, BLOW! Go!

Oh no,

I am fluteless.

Music makes me forget


Is it my turn to solo?

Bad news

She was my voice

In tune

Out of my mind

As loud as silver.

3 comments to “Chapter 1 – As loud as silver”
3 comments to “Chapter 1 – As loud as silver”
  1. Groovy, it behoves me to listen to the bluesy tunes upon my shelf that far too long have been forgotten due to my depressive autumn and the winter following begotten of not listening to music often.

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